OnGoingTransportation's Mission is twofold:
To bring a team of the best and brightest together with the necessary funding to develop a comprehensive vision, followed by a blueprint of solutions supporting America’s next fifty years of transportation needs and:
To work to assist America’s political leadership to create the required policy to implement these solutions.
We are building a multi-disciplinary team who will comprehensively develop and clearly communicate highly innovative solutions across an entire transportation landscape. If you have a passion for future Mobility and skills that would support our mission, please contact us.

David A. Muyres
Mobility Futurist
Automotive and Mobility Expert
VP & Co-Founder, Streetscope, LLC
Executive Director,
Operation Wheels of Freedom
Mobile: +1 414.708.5026
For more information on
Dave Muyres, click here:

Geoff Wardle
Executive Director,
Graduate Transportation Systems & Design
Art Center College of Design
Pasadena, California U.S.A.
Mobile: +1 626.807.0053
For more information on Geoff Wardle,click here:
Co-Founder Expertise
Solutions Need Excitement
Future transportation solutions will contend with far more exacting requirements than in the past, especially in regards to complex, integrated, multi-modal systems. A much greater array of research, planning and implementation expertise will be required to develop the next Vision, involving specialists from many disciplines.
Regardless of the technical and logical brilliance of new solutions,
if the end user is not completely excited and willing to use them, enormous effort, time and investment has been misused. This is why strong, compelling design leadership is crucial.
Future Studies
David Muyres and Geoff Wardle are both experienced in future studies
for the transportation and automotive industries. With significant years
of professional experience within the global vehicle and automobile industry in design and product development, they understand the inherent challenges of facilitating multi-disciplinary collaboration towards a successful outcome.
Design Education and Business
Both Muyres and Wardle have been involved in full-time design education. Blending their business experience and academic inquiry, they advocate that creative, design-based innovation should be at the core of all conversations and activities that concern the future of transportation.
Sustainable Mobility Summits
A series of annual summits on Sustainable Mobility in 2007-9 were
co-created by Muyres and Wardle (and their colleague Heidrun Mumper-Drumm) and held at ArtCenter College of Design in
Pasadena, California.
The summits brought together thought-leading experts from around the world to discuss solutions for sustainability in the transportation, mobility and auto industries as they relate to both the developed and developing economies of the world.
© 2021 OnGoingTransportation